Blog Posts Tagged With Infants

Observing and analyzing repetitive movements in infants to detect autism
18 Mar human behavior research Psychology

Observing and analyzing repetitive movements in infants to detect autism

To examine if a specific repertoire of repetitive movements was present in children with autism, researchers used home videos to code the behaviors of the infants.
The role of mimicry in the development of social communication
16 Feb human behavior research Psychology

The role of mimicry in the development of social communication

Children learn from interacting with others, especially their parents. For example, reproducing the emotions that others express is part of that.
Improve the interaction between parent and child with autism
08 May human behavior research Psychology

Improve the interaction between parent and child with autism

Children with ASD are three times as likely to exhibit disruptive behavior as their typically developing peers. Can PCIT help coping with behaviors such as defiance, stubbornness, and temper tantrums?
4 recent blog posts about understanding autism spectrum disorder
13 Apr human behavior research Psychology

4 recent blog posts about understanding autism spectrum disorder

Our understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has developed a great deal over recent years, but there is still much work to be done.
The role of parent-child interaction on child development
27 Feb human behavior research Psychology

The role of parent-child interaction on child development

When children face cognitive and motor delays, they are often unable to reach developmental milestones at the expected times. Does this influence the interactive behaviors of parents and children?
Early exploratory behavior in infants with Down syndrome
28 Nov human behavior research Psychology

Early exploratory behavior in infants with Down syndrome

Object exploration is part of infants’ early development. How do infants with Down syndrome explore the world around them? And how is exploratory behavior related to their general development?
Emotional responses to infant crying
15 Aug human behavior research Emotion

Emotional responses to infant crying

Hearing an infant cry can cause negative emotions, which can impact the way we respond. Researchers Riem and Karreman instructed parents to apply specific emotion regulation strategies in response to infant crying.
Studying posture development in infants at risk for autism
01 Jul human behavior research Psychology

Studying posture development in infants at risk for autism

Research shows that early posture development is delayed in infants who are eventually diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Understanding these delays helps to improve early diagnosis and intervention.
What does an infant’s gaze tell us about how hungry they feel?
11 Apr human behavior research Psychology

What does an infant’s gaze tell us about how hungry they feel?

McNally and her colleagues developed a coding scheme to observe infant gaze behavior and applied it in a study of complementary feeding.
How do children interact with their older autistic siblings?
01 Apr human behavior research Psychology

How do children interact with their older autistic siblings?

In celebration of World Autism Awareness Day, this blog post focuses on the social interactions between children and their older autistic siblings.

Showing 21 to 30 of 48 results